Sunday, December 27, 2009

Seven Days of Winter...

...and counting.

"Somtimes I think I'm bigger than the sound." --Yeah Yeah Yeahs "Cheated Hearts"

Sometimes I think I'm bigger than the world, but that's a lie. I'm smaller than I know.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Breakfast Table Banter

In an admirable yet failed effort to reference this skit starring Andy Samburg, my mom proudly proclaimed, "Birthday cake...on the floor." Much laughter ensued.

Then, as usual the conversation ventured to Blankenship adventures past.

Me: Remember that time we went blackberry picking on that huge farm. That was so much fun!"

My brother: Yeah, I liked gettin' stuck by briars and chased by bees.

Ahh, family. :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

I Found The Most Amazing Chirstmas Card...Ever!

Cats, and ridiculous humor. Definite win.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pet Peeve

Dear Readers,

Allow me to introduce you to the...subjunctive mood.

Here's the best technical definition I could find online: A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not factual. It is most often found in a clause beginning with the word "if." It is also found in clauses following a verb that expresses a doubt, a wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.

So, if you were to use the word "if," please remember to change your verb. Many a lyric and status update committ crimes against the subjunctive mood. I encourage you to separate yourself from that majority.

Here's a few examples:

Incorrect: If I was to particpate in any sport, it would be pole vaulting.
Correct: If I were to participate in any sport, it would be pole vaulting.

Incorrect: She wishes she was somewhere else.
Correct: She wishes she were somewhere else.

If I were you, I'd take these offenses very seriously.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Words of Wendell

Read and enjoy :)

The Thought of Something Else

A spring wind blowing
the smell of the ground
through the intersections of traffic,
the mind turns, seeks a new
nativity--another place,
simpler, less weighted
by what has already been.

Another place!
it's enough to grieve me--
that old dream of going,
of becoming a better man
just by getting up and going
to a better place.

The mystery. The old
unaccountable unfolding.
The iron trees in the park
suddenly remember forests.
It becomes possible to think of going.

--a place where thought
can take its shape
as quietly in the mind
as water in a pitcher,
or a man can be
safely without thought
--see the day begin
and lean back,
a simple wakefulness filling
the spaces among the leaves.

--Wendell Berry

I'm frustrated by poetry much of the time. Often the writers seem to be skillfully crafting an elegant riddle. Sometimes I want to scream, "Say what you mean and cut all the lyrical hogwash!" But, for the most part, I usually understand Mr. Berry.

I want to be a writer, but not just any writer--a good writer. But that takes lots of practice, and I'm lazy.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Inanimate Retellings

A four-layer jam cake gone horribly wrong, but we laughed...a lot and that made everything okay. Then, baking with Becky and talking about sorrow and Christmasy things.

And...lots and lots of light. There's a span of time in the early morning when the sun bursts through the high rectangle window in our bathroom, and the whole space glows.