Thursday, February 5, 2009

letters billow from the page... a wind through the leaves
or under the door.

words i like lately:
champagne, marmalade, bobbin, tether.

i thought the other night that when I get old I would like to grow oranges in a yard behind a little house by the sea.

i don't know much about the world. I feel naive (in the initial post i misspelled naive, how appropriately ironic) and ignorant. I walked by an exhibit of Malaysia in the photojournalism department last week and the pictures almost made me cry not because they were sad but because i don't know those people or anything about them.

here are some pictures while you wait...

you know that feeling when you're riding in a car and the sun is setting and you don't have a camera...that's what i feel like when i think of love.

i read exodus four the other day and was extremely confused.

1 comment:

B. Anne Jarboe said...

i feel that way when i try to think of clever things to say.
it is Germany. i heart your pics, bedfellow.