Dear Readers,
Allow me to introduce you to the...subjunctive mood.
Here's the best technical definition I could find online: A verb is in the subjunctive mood when it expresses a condition which is doubtful or not factual. It is most often found in a clause beginning with the word "if." It is also found in clauses following a verb that expresses a doubt, a wish, regret, request, demand, or proposal.
So, if you were to use the word "if," please remember to change your verb. Many a lyric and status update committ crimes against the subjunctive mood. I encourage you to separate yourself from that majority.
Here's a few examples:
Incorrect: If I was to particpate in any sport, it would be pole vaulting.
Correct: If I were to participate in any sport, it would be pole vaulting.
Incorrect: She wishes she was somewhere else.
Correct: She wishes she were somewhere else.
If I were you, I'd take these offenses very seriously.
heehee--i like this. i think i use it correctly
Here's should be Here're. Just had to put that out there for my own sanity.
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