Saturday, August 29, 2009

Things running through my head on the drive home tonight:

Mindless work is wearing me
down to the marrow and
I'm weary of daily
city sidewalk promenades.

I'm a night fisherman
and you're the invisible shore.
Before my eyes,
silver fish disturb
the dark water with pirouettes
and twirling fins.

But I can't see them.
My pond-like vision's blinded by
muddy foresight.
Algae spreads over my good intentions
like dust on a neglected mantle.

Basically, praying for a new job and for purpose in the daily to-and-fro. I feel a little lost, lately.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sorry dear--i know how this feels. the daily repetition of the working life. blah. will be praying for direction for you.